Frequently asked questions
We now have an FAQ list that we hope will help
you answer some of the more common ones.
1.Before you get started
Create a new customer on the punchpass link ( https://rachelfaganyoga.punchpass.com/auth/account/new?as=customer ) in order to sign up and pay for class. Please fill out a waiver prior to participation. If you need help text or email Rachel at the contact info.
3. What to bring
We ask students to bring their own mats. You are welcome to bring your own strap, blocks, and blankets, but we have these at the studio to borrow if you like. Anyone who borrows a mat is responsible for cleaning it after class. It is recommended to leave purses or wallets in your locked car and bring only what you need for class. Water bottles are allowed. Phones should be left outside the yoga room and be silent.
5. Social Media
Connect to social media channels to get to know Personal Best Yoga and Fitness and see what services might work for your personal goals.
2. What to wear
Wear loose fitting clothes that you can move comfortably in. I suggest wearing an extra layer and having socks for savasana. The room is heated and air conditioned. There is a bathroom.
4. What to expect
We have a small studio where students and teachers get to know each other. We welcome all ages, genders, races, and ethnicities. We strive to have a welcoming and inclusive environment. We use lots of yoga props including bolsters, chairs and The Great Yoga Wall to help students maintain proper alignment while practicing. We teach to build both stability in the poses and flexibility. We try to find the ideal posture for each individual body. In this way students can practice in a safe and supported way.